Growing People, Our Services, Horticultural Therapy copyright 2024

Our Services

Growing People, Our Services, Horticultural Therapy copyright 2024

Our Services

Our Services

Growing People provides social and therapeutic horticulture for people in Hertfordshire and the surrounding area with a wide range of mental health issues (from mild to severe and enduring) on our site in Letchworth.

At Growing People our objectives are to help you in the following ways:

  • To assist in your treatment and care, whether you have a mental health or physical illness of any description or if you are in need of rehabilitation as a result of such illness.
  • We promote social inclusion to all of our gardeners; the aim is to prevent our gardeners from becoming socially excluded.

  • We aim to help you by providing support and facilities for work experience and vocational skills training to reinforce your skills for life, through gardening and horticulture.

  • We provide transferrable skills, that aid and support your development, improve your confidence and self-esteem, supporting you to re-integrate into the wider community and further your opportunities for future employment.
Growing People, Sunflower taken by one of our volunteers copyright 2024

Case Study - How Growing People Can Help

Meet "Beth"
(Name has been changed to protect the gardener)

Beth suffers with anxiety and low confidence, Beth has been a carer for her mother for many years, which took its toll on her, it made Beth feel very isolated and she had a fear of going outside. Beth found it difficult to socialise with other people.

Beth wanted to do more but was afraid to do so.  Beth spoke to her therapist, who encouraged Beth to visit with Growing People. Our Horticulture Therapist showed Beth around and suggested to Beth to attend the morning session to see how she felt.

What seemed like a small step for most of us, was a big step for Beth, it was the first time she stepped out of her home on her own.

Since joining three years ago, Beth has had the continued support of Growing People and has enjoyed growing flowers for the gardens at Growing People, as well as engaging in other activities.

Beth has continued to grow in confidence. Today Beth is also volunteering with us, learning new skills and putting her organisation skills to good use. Beth is also encouraged by Growing People to use the knowledge and experience she had previously and Beth is helping Growing People, by updating the organisation’s website as work experience.

Beth is looking forward to the future and hopes that she can be in full time employment in the near future.


We accept referrals from agencies and organisations within the Health & Social Care sectors and also accept self-referrals from individuals and family members. 

We always suggest that the first step in the referral process should be a visit to the project when we can talk about which programme may be most suitable, funding arrangements and the next steps in referral.

Referral Charges

Please note that we do have to charge for our programmes, although some placements are funded by various grants (and therefore ‘free’ to individuals).

Charges may be different if someone is not a resident in Hertfordshire and whether the individual has the ability to pay themselves if not sponsored by a referring organisation. However we endeavour not to turn people away, so if you are not sure about the funding situation, please come and talk to us as we may be able to help.

Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone us on 07794 347283 with any questions or to make an appointment to visit.

Service Quality

Our experienced staff team contains permanent members who are qualified Horticultural Therapists.

We are one of the few projects in the country to benefit from such expertise, and currently the only Horticultural Therapy charity in North Hertfordshire specialising in supporting people with mental health issues.

We are committed to continuous service improvement of the work we do.

Social and therapeutic horticulture for wellbeing and positive mental health

Growing People

The Sadie Centre

Rosehill Hospital

Hitchin Road




Charity Registration No. 295219

Contact Us:

Tel: 07794 347283

Social Media:

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