Growing People copyright 2024

Student Placements

Student Placements

Student Placements

We provide opportunities for students on placement at Growing People.

Our workplace is an ideal environment in which to gain experience of:

  • What it is like to live with, or recover from, a mental health issue
  • How social and therapeutic horticulture can play an important part in the process of recovery
  • How to work with and support our gardeners (service users)

We regularly have 1st year mental health student nurses on placement from the University of Hertfordshire. We also host visits from health and social care students from the nearby North Herts College. First year placements are for a duration of 6 months.

As well as the North Hertfordshire College, Health and Social Care, first year students; this year we have had a third year Occupational Therapy student attend as part of their training locally whilst on placement.

In the past (2017) we designed and facilitated a short course for gardeners which was evaluated by the Department of Education (Community Learning Research Project).

Growing People are open to expanding the placement scheme and occasionally we also host, by arrangement, students from other disciplines such as Psychology.

Social and therapeutic horticulture for wellbeing and positive mental health

Growing People

The Sadie Centre

Rosehill Hospital

Hitchin Road




Charity Registration No. 295219

Contact Us:

Tel: 07794 347283

Social Media:

X (formerlyTwitter)